Parish Council
West Tytherley, Frenchmoor, and Buckholt Parish Council is the first tier of local government, and is responsible for:
- Setting the annual precept and dispensing funds to support its activities
- Commenting on planning and treeworks applications made to Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC)
- Ensuring Hampshire County Council Highways dept. is aware of problems with highways, including potholes
- Ensuring landowners maintain footpaths and bridleways
- Maintaining the village's recreation ground, war memorial, public seating and the bus shelter
- Operating traffic calming measures through the village by deploying a Speed Indicator Device
- Organising the annual village clean-up day
- Using its statutory powers to provide benefits to the community on matters not covered in the above list
There are eight seats on the council (six West Tytherley, one Frenchmoor, and one Buckholt). Elections are held every four years. Where a vacancy falls in the intervening period the vacancy will be advertised. A by-election will be held if ten electors request one within fourteen working days of the publication date of the vacancy notice, otherwise an eligible candidate may be co-opted by the existing councillors.
Parish Council
Name | Position | Contact |
Sarah Bailey |
Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer |
Fiona Collier |
West Tytherley Councillor |
Vacancy (1) |
West Tytherley Councillor, Chairman |
Vacancy (2) |
West Tytherley Parish Councillor |
Vacancy (3) |
West Tytherley Parish Councillor |
Vacancy (4) |
West Tytherley Parish Councillor |
Vacancy (5) |
Frenchmoor Parish Councillor |
Vacancy (6) |
Frenchmoor Parish Councillor |
Vacancy (7) |
Buckholt Parish Councillor |
Other Authorities
Name | Position | Contact |
Cllr. Nick Adams-King |
Hampshire County Council, Leader of the Council Test Valley Borough Council, Cabinet |
Cllr. Stewart MacDonald
Test Valley Borough Council Southern Area Planning Committee General Purposes Committee Overview and Scrutiny Committee |